Lesson 2 invloves shutter speed and aperture. The goal is to learn how these two work together in the manual setting. I admit that I thought I was really "getting it" while doing this shoot. But after I shot the fountains I went inside to capture a new bloom and all my pictures came out blurry. So I'm back to sqaure one when it comes to shooting indoors but I think I got a few good pictures outside with the natural light.
Notice the waterflow.....choppy versus smooth with the different settings. I'd like to get out to a waterfall and try these too.
Assignment 1: Take a landscape photograph using each available aperture on your camera, while using a 1/60 second shutter speed for each shot, similar to what she's done in the example in this lesson. If you don't have a tripod, you can set your camera on a fence post or any other handy thing to keep it in the same place for each shot. Please post ONLY 1 shot, your best one, for this assignment.
Assignment 2: Do the same thing again, and this time find the shutter speed where your camera's mid-range aperture gives you the best exposure, with nothing being too light or too dark. For example, if you have 9 f-stops available on your camera, your first shot should be nearly white, the last one should be nearly black, and the fifth (middle) one should be nearly properly exposed. If your first assignment came out that way with the 1/60 shutter speed I suggested, try the same thing with a different shutter speed. The idea of this assignment is that the more you do this and fiddle back and forth with these tools, you'll get much more familiar with them. Please post ONLY 1 shot, your best one, for this assignment.You don't need to submit the other images - they're more to give you a feel of how much light the various aperture settings on your camera let in and how shutter speed works with it.
Assignment 3: Go out and take some pictures using shutter speed - either fast or slow - to create an effect. Be creative and have fun!
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