The plant branch, playground equipment and flower petal are assignment #1.

Okay! So, I haven't been able to keep up on the daily posts to meet my 365 daily requirements but I will try to get better! I had a very busy weekend as I helped a friend register for her upcoming baby shower...for several hours!, spent all day Sunday at the marathon, and then Sunday night clebrated my dad's birthday! It was quite a weekend but this week seems rather uneventful so I hope to have some time to photograph and blog.
Below is the first set of assignments for lesson one of the photography lessons and my entries. Let me know what you think either by email or commenting on the blog. All constructive critisim is welcome as that's the only way to learn and improve. I've received some great feedback from my peers but I'd like to know what you think too!
Assignment 1: Take at least one abstract photo based entirely on some of the compositional rules we talked about. Subjects should not be recognizable. Post your photo online and send me a link, along with an explanation of why you think the composition makes a visually interesting image.
Assignment 2: Students will take pictures of a subject from various viewpoints (near, far, from above, below, behind). Creativity is encouraged. Likewise, post your best two or three photos of the subject online and send me a link, along with an explanation of which you think is most visually appealing and why.
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