Billy had his first t-ball practice tonight. He was in pure heaven. He is quite the athlete which in a way surprised me. He played in the pitcher position for the first few innings and ran the ball to first base to make sure it got to it's desired destination! He hit the ball off the tee with ease and usually ran to first, second, and then third base before the coach sent him back to first. It was a riot to watch and we were lucky enough to be placed on a great team with fun parents. Of course big brother Dennis helped "coach" which was fun for him as well. Next week will even be better because Dennis will be back in town and can enjoy the fun. When we got in the car I asked Billy how he enjoyed his first practice and he asked when he could go again! There you have it!!
Awwwww that is just so cute. I love the pictures. Here in Minnesota the kids have to be 4 years old to play... bummed Ayden out. Billy is just so cute
SO stinking cute Brandi! He is adorable!!
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