That's right! Cougars won the championship game! It was a great weekend for baseball....and t-ball! I have lots and lots of pics to go through..... on Friday Dennis had his Principal's list assembly for earning straight A's. Friday night we went to a Fall carnival and then games on Saturday and Sunday. I also did my first attempt at the boys photos for the Christmas Card. I found a perfect location in DC Ranch but the boys were less than thrilled to be dressed up in sweaters at 8am taking pictures!
LOL! I'll post some pics later after I get to work on my homework for my last class.
Congrats Cougars!!! We are all very proud of you!
Okay...just one pic so you can see what I had to work with........ this is a
signature face for Billy when he is irritated!
Hey now, that's not the sweet expressioned face of Billy we have come to know and love! LOL
Congrats Cougars!
LOLOL at Billy's face!
Congrats to the Cougars!
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